Nutritional Yeast Super Mix

Nutritional Yeast Seasoning

One of the first comments you often hear when you say you eat a plant-based diet is: I really could

the green creator apple

What to eat for healthy hair

Let’s talk about healthy hair today, shall we? Today I’m sharing with you my tips on how to grow strong,

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Hotspots in Rome, Italy

Rome is the ”Caput Mundi” (capital of the world), pizza and pasta. The city where the wine flows freely, the



Aquafaba is the liquid leftover from cooked chickpeas and it is amazing in so many great vegan (sweet) recipe, such

Vegan Warsaw

Hotspots in Warsaw

Since I love to travel and know how hard it can be to find (healthy) vegan places I will share

Why I don’t like to drink cold water

Japanese Water Therapy

The (early) hours in the morning are the ‘’golden hours’’. A lot can be done before starting the day. Oil

lip scrub

DIY Lip Scrub

Whether it’s chilly outside or you work in an air conditioned environment, our lips suffer for it. Chapped lips are

jade roller cover

The jade roller

A while ago I asked on social media if you know what this little tool is. For most of you


How To Make Nutmilk with a Juicer

I always make my own almond milk with a high-speed blender and a nut milk bag. However, the other day I realized


How To Save A Juice Or Smoothie

I’m often asked how to save a smoothie or juice for later. Fresh is, of course, always best. Especially when