My experience with bellicon

My experience with bellicon

If you’re following me on social media), you might have noticed that I’m often dancing and jumping on loud music.

how to make your own natural lipstick

Non-Toxic Lipstick

In the last couple of years I became more and more aware of the hidden chemicals in the products we

Nutritional Yeast Super Mix

Nutritional Yeast Seasoning

One of the first comments you often hear when you say you eat a plant-based diet is: I really could

the green creator apple

What to eat for healthy hair

Let’s talk about healthy hair today, shall we? Today I’m sharing with you my tips on how to grow strong,



Aquafaba is the liquid leftover from cooked chickpeas and it is amazing in so many great vegan (sweet) recipe, such


How To Make Nutmilk with a Juicer

I always make my own almond milk with a high-speed blender and a nut milk bag. However, the other day I realized


How To Save A Juice Or Smoothie

I’m often asked how to save a smoothie or juice for later. Fresh is, of course, always best. Especially when